Tree Protection Bylaw Review
On October 3, 2022 the District of North Saanich adopted a new Tree Protection Bylaw No. 1548. To find more information on the new Tree Protection Bylaw including educational guides, application forms, and the species list please visit
About the Tree Protection Bylaw Review
In 2020, the District of North Saanich began work review its 1999 Tree Protection Bylaw to identify challenges, gaps, and inconsistencies in the bylaw and to recommend updates to reflect current best practices and community expectations.
There were four phases of work as outlined below.
On October 3, 2022 the District of North Saanich adopted a new Tree Protection Bylaw No. 1548. To find more information on the new Tree Protection Bylaw including educational guides, application forms, and the species list please visit
About the Tree Protection Bylaw Review
In 2020, the District of North Saanich began work review its 1999 Tree Protection Bylaw to identify challenges, gaps, and inconsistencies in the bylaw and to recommend updates to reflect current best practices and community expectations.
There were four phases of work as outlined below.
Council Adopts Tree Protection Bylaw
Share Council Adopts Tree Protection Bylaw on Facebook Share Council Adopts Tree Protection Bylaw on Twitter Share Council Adopts Tree Protection Bylaw on Linkedin Email Council Adopts Tree Protection Bylaw linkAt the Regular Meeting of Council on October 3, 2022, the District of North Saanich Council adopted a new Tree Protection Bylaw No. 1548 and rescinded Tree Protection Bylaw No. 935.
To find more information on the new Tree Protection Bylaw, including next steps and what the new bylaw means for you, please visit
For enquiries, please phone 250.655.5454 or email
Bylaws Presented to Council for Adoption
Share Bylaws Presented to Council for Adoption on Facebook Share Bylaws Presented to Council for Adoption on Twitter Share Bylaws Presented to Council for Adoption on Linkedin Email Bylaws Presented to Council for Adoption linkOn October 3, 2022 at the Regular Meeting of Council, Council will be presented with the Tree Protection Bylaw No 1548, Municipal Ticket Information Bylaw No. 1549, and the Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 1550 for adoption.
View the agenda and information on how to participate.
To support the application of the new bylaw there will be educational guides, communications, and materials.
Tree Protection Bylaw Review – Phase 4 Bylaw Approval Process
Share Tree Protection Bylaw Review – Phase 4 Bylaw Approval Process on Facebook Share Tree Protection Bylaw Review – Phase 4 Bylaw Approval Process on Twitter Share Tree Protection Bylaw Review – Phase 4 Bylaw Approval Process on Linkedin Email Tree Protection Bylaw Review – Phase 4 Bylaw Approval Process linkAt the Regular Meeting of Council on Tuesday, September 20 at 7:00 p.m., Council will discuss the Tree Protection Bylaw Review.
Council will review a Staff Report titled “Tree Protection Bylaw Review – Phase 4 Bylaw Approval Process” and staff will present the Tree Protection Bylaw to Council for first, second, and third reading.
The meeting agenda, including the documents identified above, is available at Regular Meeting of Council - 20 Sep 2022. This page also includes information on how to participate in the Council meeting.
Phase 3 Complete for Tree Protection Bylaw Review
Share Phase 3 Complete for Tree Protection Bylaw Review on Facebook Share Phase 3 Complete for Tree Protection Bylaw Review on Twitter Share Phase 3 Complete for Tree Protection Bylaw Review on Linkedin Email Phase 3 Complete for Tree Protection Bylaw Review linkOn Monday, July 11, 2022, at a Regular Meeting of Council, North Saanich Council directed staff to proceed to the next phase of the Tree Protection Bylaw review, Phase 4: Bylaw Approval Process.
Council discussed a staff report that provided information, analysis, and recommendations regarding an update on the Tree Protection Bylaw Review project, including the Phase 3 Report: Engagement on Alternatives. Council received the Phase 3 Report: Engagement on Alternatives.
The Phase 3: Engagement on Alternatives report provided a comprehensive review of the engagement activities and the feedback received throughout this phase, during spring 2022. Findings from community engagement on the bylaw indicated some clear preferences for updates. The 17 recommendations included in the report sought to address the feedback received.
Council directed staff to make the revisions to the draft Tree Protection Bylaw as outlined in the 17 recommendations within the staff report in table 1. Council also directed staff to track additional data associated with tree removals as part of the application process.
Lastly, Council also approved additional budget in 2022 to support Phase 4 of the Tree Protection Bylaw Review.
Phase 4 will include incorporating the Council-directed changes and revising the draft Tree Protection Bylaw and District Tree Policy to align. In September, staff will present the Tree Protection Bylaw to Council for first, second, and third reading, as well as bring the Municipal Ticketing Information and the Fees and Charges amending bylaws for first, second, and third reading. At the same meeting, Council will also be presented with the final draft District Tree Policy.
At a subsequent meeting, Council will be presented with the Tree Protection Bylaw and amending bylaws to the Municipal Ticketing Information Bylaw and the Fees and Charges Bylaw for adoption. At the same meeting, Council will be presented with the District Tree Policy for endorsement.
To support the application of the new bylaw there will be educational guides, communications, and materials.
Staff will report back to Council at a later date on an incentives program specific to subsidized tree planting and the subsidized maintenance of trees.
Phase 3 Report and Next Steps
Share Phase 3 Report and Next Steps on Facebook Share Phase 3 Report and Next Steps on Twitter Share Phase 3 Report and Next Steps on Linkedin Email Phase 3 Report and Next Steps linkAmong other agenda items scheduled for the Regular Meeting of Council on Monday, July 11 at 7:00 p.m., North Saanich Council will discuss the Tree Protection Bylaw Review.
Council will review a Staff Report entitled “Tree Protection Bylaw Review - Phase 3 Summary Report and Next Steps”.
Council will also review the Phase 3 Report (“Engagement on Alternatives”), which presents the findings from public and staff engagement on the phase 3 alternatives for the draft Tree Protection Bylaw.
Council will also review the Draft Tree Protection Bylaw itself.
Finally, Council will review correspondence submitted by North Saanich residents related to the Tree Protection Bylaw Review.
The meeting agenda, including the documents identified above—is available at This page also includes information on how to participate in the Council meeting.
Thank you for participating!
Share Thank you for participating! on Facebook Share Thank you for participating! on Twitter Share Thank you for participating! on Linkedin Email Thank you for participating! linkThank you to everyone who took part in the Phase 3 engagement activities as part of the Tree Protection Bylaw review project.
We received 397 survey responses and 86 people joined us at the open houses.
We are currently working on analyzing and summarizing all the feedback we received. We will report back to Council in June with an engagement summary report and recommendations to help inform potential revisions to the draft Tree Protection Bylaw.
Please subscribe for project updates to stay informed.
Phase 3 Engagement Activities
Share Phase 3 Engagement Activities on Facebook Share Phase 3 Engagement Activities on Twitter Share Phase 3 Engagement Activities on Linkedin Email Phase 3 Engagement Activities linkThe District of North Saanich is inviting you to participate in the third round of public engagement on the Tree Protection Bylaw review!
We are asking for your feedback on the alternatives that Council is considering to further refine the draft Tree Protection Bylaw.
In particular, Council requested more public feedback about:
- Trees that can be removed under the annual allowance;
- Requirements to replace trees removed; and
- Permit fees.
To provide residents with a range of engagement activities to meet their varying needs, we have designed three different ways to share your feedback:
You are invited to complete an online survey at
- Complete by Friday, April 22. If you would prefer a paper copy of the survey, call 250-656-0781 or pick up a copy at Municipal Hall (1620 Mills Rd.).
We are hosting two (2) in-person open houses at Municipal Hall:
- Thursday, April 7, 5 pm – 7 pm
- Saturday, April 9, 11 am – 1 pm
We are hosting one virtual open house through Zoom:
- Wednesday, March 30, 6 pm – 7:30 pm. Register now by emailing
You are welcome to attend any or all of these engagement events. If your time is limited, or you are already familiar with the Tree Protection Bylaw review, you may find it more efficient to only participate in the survey.
If you would appreciate a deeper introduction into the Tree Protection Bylaw review, and more context about how and why the Project Team is drafting a new bylaw, the open houses may be a better fit for you.
The two in-person open houses at Municipal Hall will be wheelchair-accessible, and no advance registration is required.
Attendees are encouraged to bring their smart phones, tablets, or iPads so they can fill out the survey while attending the open houses.
No matter how you choose to participate, we thank you for your interest and for sharing your thoughts. Your feedback will be presented to Council in June in an engagement summary report to help inform potential revisions to the draft Tree Protection Bylaw.
Outcomes of December 13 Meeting
Share Outcomes of December 13 Meeting on Facebook Share Outcomes of December 13 Meeting on Twitter Share Outcomes of December 13 Meeting on Linkedin Email Outcomes of December 13 Meeting linkCouncil met to discuss the Tree Protection Bylaw Review at a Committee of the Whole Meeting on Monday, December 13. Responding to Council's direction from November 1, the project team presented findings from additional research and an additional engagement option for Council to consider for Phase 3.
Council endorsed three staff recommendations:
- Receive the additional research on tree protection bylaws that Council requested on November 1, 2021;
- Direct staff to proceed with the Phase 3 Engagement Plan in accordance with the engagement plan outlined in Staff Report No. PCS-21-014; and
- Approve the revised budget of $29,547 for the additional scope of the Tree Protection Bylaw Review in 2022.
(You can review the research findings and Staff Report as links on the meeting agenda here:
Council affirmed they are proceeding with five key directions (KD) as presented within the draft bylaw: bylaw goals (KD 1), exemptions (KD 2), reasons for removal (KD 5), permit applications (KD 6), and tree protection (KD 7).
However, Council directed staff to revise the draft bylaw to exclude certain fast-growing trees from the "significant tree definition" (KD 3) and to provide further clarity in a number of sections.
Additionally, Council directed staff that public engagement in Phase 3 must consider alternatives to the four remaining key directions:
- Lower the annual cutting and removal allowance and not implement a tree minimum, except with subdivision (KD 4);
- Limit when replacement requirements apply by either capping them with a tree minimum, by only requiring replacements with development, or by only requiring replacement when trees are removed exceeding the annual cutting and removal allowance (key direction 8);
- Lower the application fees and require no fees for the removal of invasive species (KD 9); and
- Differentiate subdivision applications from other types of applications -- applications related to development will require a larger security deposit (KD 10).
Public engagement is anticipated to launch in late March 2022. Engagement activities will include sending mail to each North Saanich household regarding engagement opportunities; an online open house; two in-person open houses; and a survey. Engagement will also include various presentations and meetings with relevant commissions, stratas, and stewardship groups.
As this discussion occurred at a Committee of the Whole Meeting, the Council will need to ratify its decisions at the next Council Meeting: January 17, 2022
December 13 COW Meeting
Share December 13 COW Meeting on Facebook Share December 13 COW Meeting on Twitter Share December 13 COW Meeting on Linkedin Email December 13 COW Meeting linkCouncil will meet to discuss the Tree Protection Bylaw Review at a Committee of the Whole Meeting on Monday, December 13 at 7 p.m. The meeting agenda has been published at
The purpose of the December 13 meeting is:
- For council to discuss engagement options for Phase 3, and consider approving an increased budget to support the completion of the associated deliverables
- Review the additional research prepared by the project team in response to Council’s request at the November 1, 2021 Council Meeting, including:
- providing more information about other municipalities implementing a tree minimum approach in their tree bylaws,
- summarizing tree removal and canopy cover trends in North Saanich, and
- compiling information about tree retention and planting incentives found within tree bylaws and in other municipal incentive programs
As always, we welcome public participation and input at this meeting by:
- Submitting written correspondence pertaining to items on the agenda to by noon on Monday, December 13. This correspondence will be considered by Council as a “late item” for inclusion on the agenda.
- Attending in-person to speak or watch by pre-registering, by noon on Monday, December 13 via email to Up to 40 in-person attendees; masks must be worn at all times.
- Attending virtually to speak by pre-registering, by noon on Monday, December 13 via email to Each person has 3 minutes to present their perspective.
- Attending virtually to watch through the livestream at
New date for Council to discuss Phase 3
Share New date for Council to discuss Phase 3 on Facebook Share New date for Council to discuss Phase 3 on Twitter Share New date for Council to discuss Phase 3 on Linkedin Email New date for Council to discuss Phase 3 linkOn November 1, after a staff report and presentation, Council deferred further discussion regarding engagement options for Phase 3 of the Tree Protection Bylaw Review until November 29, 2021. In addition, Council directed the project team to undertake additional research relating to components of the draft bylaw.
However, the Project Team requires more time to prepare the research that Council had requested.
Council has now indicated December 13, at 7:00 p.m., as the new time for this discussion, at a Regular Committee of the Whole meeting.
We will continue to keep you posted with more details on the meeting agenda for December 13 and the various ways you can participate.
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Tree Protection Bylaw No. 1548 (2022)
Staff Reports
2022-10-03_Staff Report Bylaws for Adoption Tree Protection Bylaw - MTI - Fees and Charges (1.13 MB) (pdf)
2022-09-20_Staff Report Phase 4: Bylaw Approval Process (1.91 MB) (pdf)
2022-07-11 Phase 3 Summary Report and Next Steps (35.6 MB) (pdf)
2021-12-13- Phase 3 Engagement Plan and Additional Research (52.7 MB) (pdf)
2021-11-01- Phase 3 Engagement Plan Options (5.79 MB) (pdf)
2021-08-16 Phase 2 Summary Report (40.8 MB) (pdf)
2021-03-18 Phase 1 Summary Report (4.15 MB) (pdf)
2020-10-05_TreeBylawReview_ProjectCharter_EngagementPlanRevisedSigned.pdf (2.03 MB) (pdf)
Phase 4 Bylaw Approval Process
Phase 3 Finalize the Bylaw
Phase 3 Slide Presentation to Council (July 11, 2022) (4.73 MB) (pdf)
Phase 3 Report: Engagement on Alternatives (July 2022)
Summary of Bylaw and Policy Revisions (March 2022) (144 KB) (pdf)
Draft Tree Protection Bylaw (March 2022) (614 KB) (pdf)
Draft District Tree Policy for Trees on District Lands (March 2022) (283 KB) (pdf)
Open House Boards (March 2022) (23.7 MB) (pdf)
Commission Presentation (CPC April 20 and CSC April 27) (6.02 MB) (pdf)
Virtual Open House Presentation Slides (March 30, 2022) (7.87 MB) (pdf)
Council Presentation: Phase 3 Engagement Plan and Additional Research (December 13, 2021) (2.72 MB) (pdf)
Phase 2 Draft Bylaw Update
Council Presentation Phase 3 Options for Engagement (November 1, 2021) (2.03 MB) (pdf)
Council Presentation Phase 2 Summary (August 16, 2021) (1.56 MB) (pdf)
Draft North Saanich District Tree Policy (August 2021) (293 KB) (pdf)
Phase 2 Report: Engagement on Key Directions (August 2021) (4.85 MB) (pdf)
Virtual Presentation PowerPoint (May 11, 2021) (5.48 MB) (pdf)
Q&A Responses Follow-Up (May 11, 2021) (208 KB) (pdf)
North Saanich Sensitive Areas Map (983 KB) (PDF)
Draft North Saanich Tree Protection Bylaw (March 2021) (606 KB) (pdf)
Phase 1 Background Research
Tree Bylaw Update Council Presentation (March 2021) (4.51 MB) (pdf)
Key Directions Report (March 2021) (1.56 MB) (pdf)
Engagement Plan (March 2021) (562 KB) (pdf)
Phase 1 Engagement Summary (March 2021) (1.75 MB) (pdf)
District Commissions Presentation Key Directions (February 2021) (7.5 MB) (pdf)
Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) Visualization Graphic (218 KB) (pdf)
North Saanich Tree Bylaw - Workshop Presentation (November 2020) (691 KB) (pdf)
Neighbourhood Map (25.2 MB) (pdf)
Virtual Open House Presentation and Q&A Session
Click here to play video Virtual Open House Presentation - March 30, 2022 This video is a live recording of the virtual open house presentation by the Project Team on March 30, 2022.
Click here to play video Virtual Open House Q&A March 30, 2022 This video is a live recording of the March, 30 2022 Q&A portion of the virtual open house.
Click here to play video Tree Bylaw Update Presentation This video is a live recording from May 11th, 2021 and presents the draft Tree Bylaw update.
Click here to play video Tree Bylaw Update Q&A This video continues on from the presentation and includes the live Q&A recorded on May 11th, 2021.
Who's Listening
Project Lead
- What is a tree protection bylaw?
- Why are we updating the District's Tree Protection Bylaw?
- Is the District trying to take away the rights of property owners?
- Does the draft bylaw propose to change the annual tree removal allowance?
- What are the new requirements for protected trees in the draft bylaw?
- What is considered a protected tree under the draft bylaw?
- What are acceptable reasons for removing protected trees under the draft bylaw?
- What are the requirements for replacement trees under the new bylaw?
- What are the proposed fees under the draft bylaw?
- Will this new bylaw help the District retain or even increase the tree canopy in the future?
- Would I still be allowed to prune and/or top trees without a permit?
- Does the draft bylaw apply to pruning hedges?
- Are the replacement trees in the draft bylaw required to be native species?
- Does the draft bylaw set a minimum size for replacement trees?