Parks Master Plan

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July 5, 2024 Update

We are extending the timeline for the public to participate in the survey and provide feedback on the PMP to Friday, July 19.

The draft of the Parks Master Plan (PMP) and the Phase 2 community engagement survey is now available for the public to review.

The PMP includes a vision statement, goals, objectives, park trends, best practices, and updated park analyses. It offers 40 recommendations for planning, capital improvements, partnerships, and communications.

We are now in Phase 2 of gathering public feedback on the Draft PMP to prioritize recommendations for the next ten years. The PMP will be reviewed every five years, with major projects requiring Council approval. The final plan will guide capital budgeting and include a phased implementation strategy.


We encourage you to read the Draft Parks Master Plan and Appendix A Mapping before completing the survey.

Between May 28- July 19, you can:

  • Complete the survey by July 19, 2024 at 11:59 pm.
  • Prefer a printed copy? Download, print and email the completed survey to You can also pick up a copy at the Municipal Hall and submit to the front desk. (1620 Mills Road, North Saanich, BC V8L 5S9)


  • On June 26, 2024 please join us for a Public Open House at Municipal Hall from 3:00-6:00 pm.


The PMP for North Saanich is intended to provide strategic guidance for parks policy, planning, and development, focusing on environmental protection and preserving the rural character of the community. The plan started with an assessment of the park system, resulting in a State of the Parks report and environmental desktop study.

Phase 1 of the public engagement, involving surveys and stakeholder sessions, shaped the community vision and priorities outlined in the Draft PMP. See the Parks Master Plan Phase 1 Engagement Summary Here.


The 2022 District of North Saanich Strategic Plan identified a review and update of the 2010 Parks Master Plan. In 2022 staff created a Terms of Reference and consultant scope, and engaged appropriate stakeholder in order to obtain feedback prior to issuing a Request for Proposals. The Terms of Reference and the Consultant Scope were presented to the following stakeholders:

  • Community Stewardship Commission at the September 27, 2022 meeting
  • Friends of North Saanich Parks via email on October 17, 2022, and at a meeting on November 3, 2022
  • Friends of Dominion Brook Park via email on October 17, 2022

At each of the meetings the Terms of Reference and Consultant Scope were generally discussed, feedback received, and revisions incorporated. At the Regular Meeting of Council held on December 5, 2022, Council approved the Terms of Reference and Consultant scope and directed staff to proceed with a Request for Proposals.

At the Regular Meeting of Council held on May 15, 2023, Council authorized the award of consulting services for the Parks Master Plan to Urban Systems.



July 5, 2024 Update

We are extending the timeline for the public to participate in the survey and provide feedback on the PMP to Friday, July 19.

The draft of the Parks Master Plan (PMP) and the Phase 2 community engagement survey is now available for the public to review.

The PMP includes a vision statement, goals, objectives, park trends, best practices, and updated park analyses. It offers 40 recommendations for planning, capital improvements, partnerships, and communications.

We are now in Phase 2 of gathering public feedback on the Draft PMP to prioritize recommendations for the next ten years. The PMP will be reviewed every five years, with major projects requiring Council approval. The final plan will guide capital budgeting and include a phased implementation strategy.


We encourage you to read the Draft Parks Master Plan and Appendix A Mapping before completing the survey.

Between May 28- July 19, you can:

  • Complete the survey by July 19, 2024 at 11:59 pm.
  • Prefer a printed copy? Download, print and email the completed survey to You can also pick up a copy at the Municipal Hall and submit to the front desk. (1620 Mills Road, North Saanich, BC V8L 5S9)


  • On June 26, 2024 please join us for a Public Open House at Municipal Hall from 3:00-6:00 pm.


The PMP for North Saanich is intended to provide strategic guidance for parks policy, planning, and development, focusing on environmental protection and preserving the rural character of the community. The plan started with an assessment of the park system, resulting in a State of the Parks report and environmental desktop study.

Phase 1 of the public engagement, involving surveys and stakeholder sessions, shaped the community vision and priorities outlined in the Draft PMP. See the Parks Master Plan Phase 1 Engagement Summary Here.


The 2022 District of North Saanich Strategic Plan identified a review and update of the 2010 Parks Master Plan. In 2022 staff created a Terms of Reference and consultant scope, and engaged appropriate stakeholder in order to obtain feedback prior to issuing a Request for Proposals. The Terms of Reference and the Consultant Scope were presented to the following stakeholders:

  • Community Stewardship Commission at the September 27, 2022 meeting
  • Friends of North Saanich Parks via email on October 17, 2022, and at a meeting on November 3, 2022
  • Friends of Dominion Brook Park via email on October 17, 2022

At each of the meetings the Terms of Reference and Consultant Scope were generally discussed, feedback received, and revisions incorporated. At the Regular Meeting of Council held on December 5, 2022, Council approved the Terms of Reference and Consultant scope and directed staff to proceed with a Request for Proposals.

At the Regular Meeting of Council held on May 15, 2023, Council authorized the award of consulting services for the Parks Master Plan to Urban Systems.



  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Thank you for your participation in the public survey #1. You can review the download and review the results of the Phase 1 Public Engagement process in the Documents section.  

    Share District of North Saanich Parks Master Plan- Community Survey #1 on Facebook Share District of North Saanich Parks Master Plan- Community Survey #1 on Twitter Share District of North Saanich Parks Master Plan- Community Survey #1 on Linkedin Email District of North Saanich Parks Master Plan- Community Survey #1 link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The District of North Saanich is preparing a Parks Master Plan that will strategically guide staff work and Council decisions on parks policy, planning, capital improvements, and management over the next 10 years (2024-2034). 

     In advance of completing the below survey, we invite the community to review the Draft Parks Master Plan (available on the project webpage). The plan provides inventory, analysis, best practices, and recommendations for the parks and trails system in the District of North Saanich. 

     In addition to gauging community support for the draft plan overall, the District will need to phase the recommendations over time; a key purpose of this survey is to find out your priorities, which will guide the implementation of the plan.

     Thank you for your participation!

    Share District of North Saanich Parks Master Plan - Community Survey #2 on Facebook Share District of North Saanich Parks Master Plan - Community Survey #2 on Twitter Share District of North Saanich Parks Master Plan - Community Survey #2 on Linkedin Email District of North Saanich Parks Master Plan - Community Survey #2 link
Page last updated: 22 Jul 2024, 03:17 PM