Official Community Plan Review

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About the Official Community Plan (OCP) review

The District of North Saanich has been engaging with District residents on their vision for the future of North Saanich through our OCP. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to share your interests and ideas with the North Saanich planning team during the many engagement sessions held over the last few months and years.

Building from this work, a proposed OCP outline, vision, goals and objectives went before Council in December and was referred to the Council Committees for input. A first draft of the OCP is anticipated to come before Council in March. Further public engagement will occur at that time. Stay tuned!

Outlined below are our principles for engaging with District residents:

District Staff commit to being accessible to residents one-on-one, and through a range of engagement activities ranging from open houses to pop-ups in the community.


District Staff commit to drafting policies with a clear link to the problem to be solved, the benefit to be had, and the connection of any policy to community input or Council direction.


District Staff commit to an efficient process that values the time of residents and recognizes the contributions made during earlier phases of the OCP review.


Click "Subscribe" to the right for project updates.

Questions or comments? Get in touch with planning staff directly.

Stay tuned for more details!

About the Official Community Plan (OCP) review

The District of North Saanich has been engaging with District residents on their vision for the future of North Saanich through our OCP. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to share your interests and ideas with the North Saanich planning team during the many engagement sessions held over the last few months and years.

Building from this work, a proposed OCP outline, vision, goals and objectives went before Council in December and was referred to the Council Committees for input. A first draft of the OCP is anticipated to come before Council in March. Further public engagement will occur at that time. Stay tuned!

Outlined below are our principles for engaging with District residents:

District Staff commit to being accessible to residents one-on-one, and through a range of engagement activities ranging from open houses to pop-ups in the community.


District Staff commit to drafting policies with a clear link to the problem to be solved, the benefit to be had, and the connection of any policy to community input or Council direction.


District Staff commit to an efficient process that values the time of residents and recognizes the contributions made during earlier phases of the OCP review.


Click "Subscribe" to the right for project updates.

Questions or comments? Get in touch with planning staff directly.

Stay tuned for more details!

Share Map how you get your food in North Saanich! on Facebook Share Map how you get your food in North Saanich! on Twitter Share Map how you get your food in North Saanich! on Linkedin Email Map how you get your food in North Saanich! link

Map how you get your food in North Saanich!

10 months

Help us create a District inventory of local farmers, food producers, and growers! 

  • Add a pin to the map, and provide the description for any farmer, farm stand, or local producer in North Saanich!
    (This can include local producers, or commercial establishments serving local food)

The yellow layer represents Agricultural Land Reserve Lands

To add a pin, click the '+' sign (at the left) and drag a pin to the map.

To find an address, search by clicking the magnifying glass icon to the right

To zoom in or out, navigate to the bottom right corner of your screen and click the '+' or '-'. 

To move around the screen, click on any area of the map and drag. 

Page last updated: 22 Jan 2025, 12:05 PM